E3 Prayer Letter (Adam McCready)

Primary Schools

  • Pray for children who are starting school this month for the first time; that they will quickly settle into school life and make friends quickly.
  • Pray for Christian teachers as they begin a new year, that they seek to be salt and light in their schools.
  • Pray for the Primary 7 pupils who will be working hard towards their transfer test in November. That they will be know God’s peace as they work towards this test.
  • As members of staff are planning their different SU groups, remember to pray for them that they will plan programmes that engage thew children and encourage them in their faith.
  • Post-Primary Schools

  • Remember to pray for those who are starting Year 8, that they make a smooth transition, into their new school, establishing new friendships quickly.
  • Pray for Christians who are moving on to university, that they will remain strong in their faith as they begin a new chapter in their lives with many new challenges. Pray that they settle quickly and find good christian friends to support them.
  • ‘Making Your Mark’, our annual pupil leadership training weekend, takes place 27th-29th Sept. in Ashfield Girls High School. This is for all senior pupils in SU groups and is a great way to start the year.
  • Pray that pupils from the North Coast build good relationships with each other and are left inspired for the year ahead.

    Special Schools

  • As a new year begins, pray for opportunities to deliver the “Life of Luke” lessons in schools. Life of Luke lessons, help children and young people to think of their worth, their relationships and to value their choices.

    Upcoming Events

  • Making your Mark weekend is running from the 27th-29th September. Please pray for the pupils who will attend; that it will be useful in helping them plan their SU groups this year and they will be energized and challenged for the incoming year.
  • Give thanks to God for all that He has been doing in the North Coast during the summer, through different CSSM teams in; Castlerock, Portrush, Portstewart and Portballintrae.